Monday, May 11, 2020

Is HONEY a VOMIT ? (reality is soo hard) .


The ancient Egyptians used honey for a multitude of purposes including as a sweetener, a gift for the gods and an ingredient in embalming fluid. ... In a study, scientists discovered that humans have been using bee products, like honey and wax, for at least 9,000 years. This became very shocking news that it was existing there many years ago. 
     Honey is as old as written history, dating back to 2100 B.C. where it was mentioned in Sumerian and Babylonian cuneiform writings, the Hittite code, and the sacred writings of India and Egypt. Its name comes from the English hunig, and it was the first and most widespread sweetener used by man.

How is HONEY prepared

Raw Materials
An average bee colony produces 60-100 lb (27.2-45.4 kg) of honey each year. 
Colonies are divided by a three-tier organization of:-
1) labor: 
2)50,000-70,000 workers
3), one queen, and 2,000 drones. 
Worker bees only live for three to six weeks, each one collecting about one teaspoon of nectar. One pound (0.454 kg)of honey requires 4 lb (1.8 kg) of nectar, which requires two million flowers to collect.

When the worker bees are about 20 days old, they leave the hive to collect nectar, the sweet secretion produced by the glands of flowers. The bee penetrates the flower's petals and sucks the nectar out with its tongue and deposits the nectar into its honey sac or abdomen.

As the nectar journeys through the bee's body, :-
water is drawn out and into the bee's intestines. The bee's glandular system emits enzymes that enrich the nectar..
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Pollen attaches to the bee's legs and hairs during the process. Some of it falls off into subsequent flowers; some mixes with the nectar.

When the worker bee cannot hold anymore nectar, she returns to the hive. The processed nectar, now on its way to becoming honey, is deposited into empty honeycomb cells. Other worker bees ingest the honey, adding more enzymes and further ripening the honey. When the honey is fully ripened, it is deposited into a honeycomb cell one last time and capped with a thin layer of beeswax.


  • Honey is not bee vomit. It is perceived as vomit as it comes out from the bee's mouth. But it is not. 
  • Honey bee sucks the nector with its tongue. 
  • Glucose, fructose and other sugars in honeyWhile sugar is 100 per cent sucrose, honey is made up of around 75 per cent sugars, of which roughly half is glucose and half is fructose (these proportions may vary depending on the source of the nectar).
  • Honey's antioxidant and antibacterial properties help improve the digestive system and boost immuniy
  • The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends no more than 9 teaspoons, or 3 tablespoons, of sugar per day for men and no more than 6 teaspoons, or 2 tablespoons, of sugar per day for women
  • Honey is the favourite food of honey badger. 
  • Honey is the only food that doesn't Expire. 
  • High-quality honey contains many important antioxidants. ... Antioxidants have been linked to reduced risk of heart attacks, strokes and some types of cancer. They may also promote eye health
  • Honey bees do FART.                                          Honey bees eat pollen, which is passed in to their honey-stomachs and mid guts for digestion. ... Since the honey bee is a multicellular being (and not a vacuum chamber), pockets of air can and do establish themselves in the fecal matter. When excreted, these would manifest as farts.
  •  The majority of honey bee larvae eat honey, but larvae that are chosen to become future queens will be fed with royal jelly..

tell real honey from fake?

Drop some honey into a glass of tap water. If it dissolves right away, it's fake. Real honey takes a fair amount of stirring to dissolve in water. 
Adulterated or artificial honey will dissolve in water and you will see it around the glass.
Pure honey on the other hand will settle right at the bottom of your glass.

  • A mixture of honey and cinnamon has the potential to lower your risk of heart disease. ... 
  • Studies have shown that consuming Honey may also increase "good" HDL cholesterol by about 2%.and lowers bad cholesterol by 6 - 11%.
  • Most bacteria and other microbes cannot grow or reproduce in honey
  • studies show that high-sugar diets may be linked to obesity, inflammation, insulin resistance, liver issues, and heart disease . 
  • Raw honey is dangerous for infanta as it may contains spores of bacteria
  • Honey Is "Less Bad" Than Sugar for Diabetics. The Antioxidants in It Can Help Lower Blood Pressure. ...Good for Sugar patients
  • Also contributes in weight gain. 

 Side Effects of eating honeyhoney:-

  • Safety and side effects
  • Wheezing and other asthmatic symptoms.
  • Dizziness.(
  • Nausea.(vomit) 
  • Vomiting.
  • Weakness.
  • Excessive perspiration.
  • Fainting.
  • Irregular heart rhythms (arrhythmias

Do you know honey comb which is made by bees is circular in shape but due to the shrinking of the combs it's appeared to be heaxagonal which is the strongest shape

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