Saturday, May 9, 2020

You have the most healthiest weapon in your kitchen

Turmeric contains more than 300 naturally occurring components good for health !!!...
  • Increases mucus (बलगम) production ,which naturally flushes out microbes that clog (chock) respiratory track. 
  • If consumed in morning and just before bedtime then it can keep cold and flu at bay. 
  • Acts also as ANTI-AGEING Tonic when consumed every night
  • Also beneficial in treating joint and bone issues including arthritis (जोड़ों की सूचन) and rheumatoid arthritis(Chronic disease of the joints which xauses inflammation of the joints and tissues around them) 
  • Having turmeric milk in empty stomach can leave you soothed (relaxed) due to it's detoxification properties

     Although consuming turmeric or halsi in its       natural form promotes health, but excess of       it can cause upset of stomach,                             nausea(vomit) and dizziness(चक्कर ) . If             you are taking turmeric capscules Or                   supplements in high amount, it can prove to       be determinal to your health

  • accelerates recovery. It makes room for the body's repair work to work optimallyA

  •  cup of haldi doodh at night can be especially beneficially for people who get restless during sleep

  • It is a immunity booster. 
  • May improves hormonal imbalance . 
  • If you have diabetes, heart disease or joint pain, add a pinch of nutmeg for added benefits.
  • If you have lactoce intolerance , add haldi in buttermilk instead of milk
  • Key ingredients are loaded with antioxudants . 
  • May reduce information and joint pain. 
  • May improves memory and brain function. 
  • Curcumin with turmeric may improves mood . 
  • May protect against heart diseases. 
  • May lowers blood sugar level
  • May reduce the risk of cancer
  • Has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. 
  • Also helps in a sweet sleep. 
  • May Upset stomach. Turmeric or haldi is known to heat your body and cause inflammation in your stomach that may lead to abdominal pain and cramps.
  • Risk of developing kidney stones. ...
  • May cause nausea(vomit) nd diarrhea. ...
  • May cause an allergic reaction. ...
  • Iron deficiency.


  • The results showed that turmeric was effective in preventing hemodynamic changes in glomerular blood circulation, inflammatory renal damage, and intensified renal function disorder caused by the reduction in kidney size (43).
  • Turmeric is perhaps best-known as a spice in curry powder, but some studies suggest that it has anti-inflammatory properties. ... About eight months after she started the turmeric supplements, a blood test showed elevated levels of liver enzymes — a sign of liver problems, the report said
2) LiVER:-

  • It improves liver function
  • The antioxidant effect of turmeric appears to be so powerful that it may stop your liver from being damaged by toxins. This could be good news for people who take strong drugs for diabetes or other health conditions that might hurt their liver with long-term use.
3) OTHER OORGANS :-results showed that this is beneficial probably from wounds cuts upto cancer  we should take it everyday. 

Is Your Turmeric Real or Fake? Lets Find Out

  • -Turmeric may have added fillers like saw dust, chalk     powder or starch 

  •  -It may even contain synthetic & chemical dyes to         make it look appealing

  • -Always buy your condiments from known &                  approved vendors or brands

How is Turmeric Adulterated?

 There are two common ways to find :-

Adulterate(मिलावटी )toxic substances but ingredient with no nutritional value such as daw dust, rice flour, chalk powder or starch.  In some cases, synthetic colour dyes made be used to make it appear bright and yellow along with the fillers. These may include chemicals like metanil yellow colour and lead chromate which are most commonly used. They may be toxic and can have a negative impact on your health especially if they are being consumed regularly hidden in your turmeric powder. 

Now it may be easy for you to find get a difference between real and fake turmeric

. It may be difficult to differentiate between real and fake turmeric just by looking it at. If you are unsure, here are four ways to check if the turmeric you are using right now is pure or mixed with some adulterants. 
  • 1. To check for metanil yellow: Take some turmeric in a test tube and add a few drops of concentrated hydrochloric acid to it and some water. Then shake it vigorously. If the mixture turns pink, the turmeric powder had metanil yellow in it. Mentanil yellow is also often used in ladoos, mithaisand biryani to add colour and it may make you feel nauseous(vomit) , cause stomach disorders , even food poisoning also. . 

  • 2. Presence of chalk powder: Take some turmeric powder in a test tube or a glass flask. Add some water to it and few drops of hydrochloric acid, it the liquid gives of bubbles it indicates the presence of chalk powder and even yellow soap stone powder.
  • 3. The water test: This is one of the easiest ways to look out for adulteration. Take some warm water in a glass and drop a teaspoon of turmeric on the surface. Do not stir or mix it. Leave it for about 20 minutes and then check again. If the sediments settle down at the bottom of the glass and clear water stays above, your turmeric powder is pure. But if the water turns cloudy, it is possibly adulterated. 

The water test is one of the easiest ways to look out for adulteration.

  • 4. To spot adulterated turmeric root: Not just the powder, but turmeric root may also be adulterated by coating it with substance that it make it look more appealing. To test this, place the turmeric root on a paper and pour cold water over it. If the root starts leaving colour, it may be impure and polished to look the way it does. 

So, the next time you go grocery shopping, don’t get duped(.ठगना )Make sure you buy your condiments from known and approved vendors or brands and always check for their veracity(सच्चाई ) . 

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