Monday, May 25, 2020

PREMATURE Greying, hair science in the most easiest way

 for natural greying of hairs

H2O2 Inhibits the Synthesis Of Melanin

  • 1)"The originator of the entire process is hydrogen peroxide,( bleaching agent) " Our skin produces H2O2, This chemical serves to kill bacteria on the skin . With advancing age, hydrogen peroxide builds up in larger amounts in the hair follicle because the human body can no longer keep up neutralising the hydrogen peroxide using the enzyme catalyse (which splits it into hydrogen and water) , this hydrogen peroxide get sored around the hair follicle and ultimately inhibits (prevents/stops) the synthesis of the colour pigment melanin."  
  • Oxidation by hydrogen peroxide not only interferes with the production of melanin, but also inhibits other enzymes that are needed for the repair of damaged proteins.
  • In their work, the scientists showed that in aging cells this enzyme (which breakdown H2O2) is still present but in very limited concentration.

Dying of pigment cells

  • Your hair follicles have pigment cells that make melanin, a chemical that gives your hair its color. As you age, these cells start to die. Without pigment, new hair strands grow in lighter and take on various shades of gray, silver, and eventually white.
  • Hair graying is an obvious sign of human aging. Although graying has been investigated extensively, the mechanism remains unclear. ... 

Stress factor

  • Taking stress develop massive oxidative stress which causes accumulation of hydrogen peroxide in the hair follicle, which causes our hair to bleach itself from the inside out. Resulting faded light greyish hairs.
  • The build up of hydrogen peroxide was caused by a reduction of an enzyme that breaks up hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen (catalase).

PREVENT Hair Greying -

2 Main ways to prevent hair greying :-

With this research work, the scientists not only solved - on a molecular level - the age-old riddle of why hair turns gray in old age, but also have pointed out approaches for future therapy of vitiligo, a skin pigment disorder.


In the human body, hydrogen peroxide is produced primarily in three places: lung, gut, and thyroid gland.

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